2021 Participant Details

Please Read

Packet Pickup – All participants will be required to pick up their race packets at Snohomish Running Co. Packet pickup will be available starting on June 11th and will be available during regular business hours. Participants will be able to pick up their bib numbers at Snohomish Running Company on race day and prior to the race. If someone picks up their bib number on race day they will only get their bib number prior to the race and will need to return to SRC after they finish. 

Race Day Information

Parking – Participants will need to park near the finish line at Averill Field in Downtown Snohomish. There is plenty of street parking available near the finish line. Please do not park in the Averill Field or Boys and Girls Club Parking lots or you will be towed.

Bussing – The first 5 busses for the half marathon and the first bus for the 5 mile will be for fully vaccinated participants only. This is so we can safely maximize the amount of people on those busses. This means that you will need to of had your last vaccination shot prior to June 5th to be on one of the first busses. This will be done on the honor system. PLEASE DO NOT LIE. All busses after the initial busses will be limited to 30 participants per bus and will mandate masks be warn while on the bus. We will have busses leaving every 3 minutes starting at 6:30 AM. The last bus will leave Averill Field at 7:35 AM. Please do NOT miss the last bus. We will have separate busses for half marathon participants and 5 mile participants so pay attention to which bus you get on. 

Drop Off – If you plan on being dropped off at the start line you will need to be dropped off no later than 6:50 AM. Getchell Trailhead parking lot is not big enough for cars and busses to be dropping participants off at the same time. 

Start Times – Elite runners will begin at 7:25 AM. All participants who are fully vaccinated will be welcome to start at the 7:30 AM start time. We will then begin waves of 30 participants every 3 minutes. Waves will be “ready start” based upon when you arrive at the start line. We know that many of you have selected a specific start time when you registered. If you are fully vaccinated by June 19th then you can pretty much ignore that start time and start at 7:30. However, we still know that many of you will not be vaccinated yet and others won’t be comfortable starting with hundreds of other runners. That’s okay. You will be able to start when you are ready and when you are comfortable to go. The last start time will be 8:10 AM.

Aid Stations – We will have at least 4 aid stations available for participants. We do still ask that all participants try to be self sufficient as much as possible. However, we will have nuun electrolyte drink along with water at 4 different stations along with Honey Stinger Gels. Please listen to the volunteers at the aid stations. Water, nuun and gels will be placed on a table and you will have to take it from the table. Please do NOT cough or breathe heavily on all of the cups. Quickly grab a cup and move away.


Masks – We are still evolving our policy on masks. As of right now we are going to ask everyone to wear a mask while on the busses and prior to the start of the race. We will probably ask you to wear it until you are at least 6 feet away from other runners. However, that may change as we gather more guidance from the local health department and the CDC. We fully support and promote vaccination. However, we also want to make sure everyone feels comfortable and safe before, during and after the event.